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When I think of games, I think of hours spent with my family.  I think of playing Monopoly in the hospital after my Mother's Hip surgery.  I think of games helping me through Depression

and some of the worst times of my life.


When I think of games, I think of Family, and Joy. ​



Hi, my name is Oliver Worthington.  I'm 19, graduated High School back in 2016, and currently live in Columbia, Missouri.  I'm an Aquarius, and a self-proclaimed World's Greatest Terrible Comedian. Considering my track record, that's probably wrong.  For most of my life, I've wanted to contribute something to Society to help people.


When I was younger, for example, I wanted to be a nanotechnician.  Basically, a nanotechnician builds, designs, and works with tiny robots, primarily in the medical field.  As I grew older, I lost that dream, and didn't really know what to do with my life.  About this time, I started developing Depression, although nobody, including me, noticed the signs.  After a year or so, I started to look into how to make video games, as I found it very interesting.  I even started making a video game, though it was honestly less complicated than Flappy Bird, so, clearly, it was just a hobby to me.  A little while after this, I decided to look into Mining Engineering, as it paid decently, and I could use that money to help people.


I started taking classes at school for this, and realized I was completely hopeless at them.  My depression starting getting rapidly worse, and in the summer of 2015, I was admitted under Suicide Watch, and diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder.  Shortly after my discharge, I became aware of a gaming store in town, where people would gather to play tabletop games on a regular basis.  For months, this was one of the only things keeping me going.  It was something to look forward to.  Fast Forwarding about a year, and I had settled on doing Music Therapy for my career, as it was something that could significantly help people.  Then, my Depression spiked after graduation.  I was readmitted, and lost my way again.  And, once again, Tabletop gaming helped me recover.  Now, I am almost completely Depression free, and consider Gaming, and the Gaming community, to be one of the biggest reasons for this.  That's why I started Starving Artists, along with my best friend.  We want to give back to the community. ​

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