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A.O.R is a combat-based, army board game.  In Military abbreviation, A.O.R. stands for Area of Responsibility, and refers to the units or area directly under an individuals supervision or authority.


A.O.R takes the literal definition of Area of Responsibility, and gives it a literal twist.  Each player starts with an identical army to choose from, and picks a certain troop amount to begin the game.  Cards are then drawn randomly, and each army will evolve and develop during the gameplay time.  However, as mentioned before, there is a literal twist.  Hidden throughout the Main Deck, are Twist cards, which revolve the board a certain direction, a certain number of times.  After each Twist, players will end up with a new army in front of them.  This is their new army, their new cards, and their possible new advantages or disadvantages.  Play ends until only one army remains.  Whoever is in power of that army at this time, is considered the winner.  However, if a Twist is drawn, defeated players may be drawn back into the game, and surviving players may lose their entire army in a single move.


A.O.R is a simple game to understand, each card explains its effects, and the rules are simple to follow.  However, due to the fluid gameplay, each game can last anywhere from 30 minutes, to 3 hours.  Due to the random aspect of gameplay, there is a decent amount of replay value.

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